Saturday, April 10, 2010

Letters to Roger Part 2

Today we have a letter to Roger from the year 1940. The author makes sure Roger knows this is not a "letter", but instead a "note". My attention is drawn specifically to the back of the envelope to the lovely wax seal used on the "note". Such lovely penmaniship for a note.

I think this is also the saddest letter I have ever read. It's actually quite heart wrenching. They were married 12 years and she passed on....very tragic. It brings to mind many questions. I hope Bill and Lora are both together and at peace now.


Anonymous said...

So many years later and the pain of the news is still concealed in the "note", just an example of the power of words.

Donovan Beeson said...

I knew this was a Canadian letter without having to read the postage or the address because the of the Air Mail label. I had a Canadian friend give me a pack of those same labels last year.


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